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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Help Our Kiddos Feel Their Best – Giving Tuesday! #autism #autismdiet

Dear AHA Friends,

We are inviting you to JOIN US on #GivingTuesday and help all kiddos feel their BEST! For as little as $25 we can help a family in need with a supplement for an entire month! Often many families can’t afford to get their children all the supplements they need. Through our Gift of Hope Program, we can help families and make a real difference. 1 in 68 children is being diagnosed with Autism.

Doesn’t every child deserve to feel their best, so they can do their best?

Click on here to watch a special message
Go to: and click DONATE and let’s help together!

With Love and Hope,
Kristin and the AHA Family

Kristin Selby Gonzalez
President, Autism Hope Alliance
Mother of Jaxson (diagnosed with Autism)

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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Autism Hope Alliance Newsletter October 2017 #autism #autismdiet

Dear AHA Friends,

WOW has this year just been flying by!!! We are proud to announce 89 Total Partner and Affiliates!

Click Here To Listen To The Audio Version of This Newsletter

We would like to welcome our newest Autism Approved Partners and Network Affiliates:

Autism Approved – Silver Partners:

Babo Botanicals 

Ottos Naturals 

AHA Network Affiliates:


Callie Doras


Together we can make a difference!

So…where have we been?

In July we headed to AZ, PA, and OR.
In September, we were in CA, MD and TX and lastly this October we were back in CA. We were honored to spread HOPE to many of the families that we met along the way.  We also gave away through our product donations over $100k in the last 3.5 months. That’s a whole lot of love we shared.

Autism Pantry 

If you haven’t visited us on our FB and Instagram page then you truly are missing out!! Almost weekly there is a giveaway!!! Make sure to check us out!

In December we have the Autism Pantry MEGA Giveaway so stay tuned for that!

Click here for the social media calendar

Gift of Hope

Is your family in need? Have you heard of our GIFT OF HOPE PROGRAM? If you are in financial need and are in need of nutritional supplements then please go to and fill out a scholarship application. If you qualify you will be given a scholarship for an entire year for 4 essential nutritional supplements that AHA will provide and send you every month.

We are introducing a NEW PROGRAM at AHA!! It’s called: Pamper Me Pantry                                                  A premium subscription box that provides high quality products ranging from a wide variety of items such as but not limited to: beauty products, GFCF snacks, supplements and the list goes on. The box is filled with full size products and a handful of gift samples. All proceeds raised will help families with Autism. We have a limited amount so don’t wait! First shipment to ship out in December!

$25 a quarter

$85 a year

Each box will value a min: $125!! Get yours today click here:

We at AHA are wishing you and your family a happy and healthy FALL season!

Warmest regards,

Kristin and the AHA family

AHA Partnership Exclusive Spotlight!


AHA Partner Coupons

Autism Approved

Autism Resource Booklet

Contact Us

Active Partners

Autism Approved Radio

Gift of Hope

Tax ID #26-4077150 501(c)(3)

Let’s Go Shopping DVD
Let’s Go Shopping:
Special Foods For Special Needs with Host Kristin Selby Gonzalez is a guide for parents on how to shop without frustration for their child’s special dietary needs.
Click here to watch


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Monday, 16 October 2017

Facing Fear #autism #autismdiet

So some of you know my son is terrified of dogs… so what do I do? Get a dog…. I truly believed in all my heart the best way through a fear is head on… it’s been a slow process and a lot training for Bella (our pup) but, slowly Jax (9.5 months later) is watching us play catch in front yard (he sits on porch swing while I throw the ball for Bella-huge step), then today I had Bella lay down near porch swing and set timer for 2 min and Jax petted her on his own (still hesitated but smiled lots) and wait for it… drum roll and fireworks please 🎊🎈this kid went on his first walk w Bella (just down the street and back w me). I held his hand and leash in same hand and we did it!! He was skipping at one point as he was nervous but so proud of himself!! I can’t wait til they are best friends!! I know it will happen!! Go Jax! Go Bella!! #boyandhisdog #nevergiveup #hope #autism
PS huge note since getting Bella he doesn’t freak out when he sees other dogs walking by anymore (that used to be a huge problem!) #proudmommy

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Thursday, 28 September 2017

Our AHA President’s message: We should all stand together #autism #autismdiet

So I wrote on an advocate’s page that I may not always agree with, but respect. He posted a video on his point of view on a topic near and dear to his heart as he is on the spectrum. He asked those that didn’t agree with him to leave his page which made me sad as I hate to see our community divide.
I notice in our community that we are so divided by our beliefs… autistic vs child (or individual) with autism, world autism day, acceptance day, awareness day, appreciation day, Diet or No Diet, disease, disorder or disability… light it up blue or red or go dark, help the child or believe God made them perfect just the way they are… oh my goodness this is just some of the stuff we fight about..we don’t have to always agree on everything however, we should always respect one another..

It personally drives me bonkers to have our groups fight and not listen to one another. We have bigger fish to fry..

I think we need to stand together throughout all the subgroups. As I believe there are many…we can learn so much from each other.

Here is what I wrote on the thread that I thought was important to maybe have us all in the community think about…

We divide ourselves and then expect the general world not to do the same… that strategy is not working for us…

Here is my comment on the thread to the advocate on the spectrum that I respect as I said (I hope I don’t get unfriended: our kiddos in all subgroups need all the friends they can get):

I believe there are different subgroups of Autism. I think we need to be understanding of them all and respect them all. The Autism you speak of that you advocate for is one that is far different than other subgroups. It makes me sad we have to divide. Why can’t we respect all of the spectrum. No one should speak negative about anyone on the spectrum (remembering it’s called a spectrum for a reason). We shouldn’t be unfriending just because we are in different subgroups.. we should be open minded of one another and we should be rallying together to teach the world. Some of the spectrum are quite sick. Their immune systems aren’t the same as other subgroups. I wish we would stop acting like there is only one type of Autism. I respect your work however, I would love a world where the Autism community could stand together and understand all aspects. I wish they had different categories on the Autism spectrum as all are not created equal with the one label. There are subgroups that don’t have a voice, get violent, aren’t potty trained, can’t hold a job, have no resources and so on. Their future with out their parents being their advocate to help them have the best life and hopefully be able to live on their own when the parents are no longer here is a bleak one if we don’t stand up for them too. Many have food allergies, gastro problems, seizures and so on… it’s not just a few in the community it’s thousands and thousands experiencing this with Autism which tells me this group is sick and maybe once they can help their immune issues then maybe they can join the healthy subgroup of Autism. My son’s mind is brilliant in so many ways however, he gets held back by being so sick with many other labels that as I said thousands have in a subgroup of Autism. Let’s stop fighting each other. Let’s be respectful on all sides and show compassion. It hurts the subgroup that have very sick children when the advocates that are doing so well in the healthy group dismiss how they are feeling and what they deal with. I think there should be nothing but love and support from all sides. The general world is hard enough to fight.. let’s not fight w each other. Let’s stand together and educate that there is not a one size fits all label…

Wishing you the best and know even though my son is not in the subgroup you advocate for I am still advocating for your group too!!

Peace and love… 💕

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Friday, 8 September 2017

Squeeze My Ear #autism #autismdiet

So I found this super interesting… we are having some work done in the yard this morning and Jax often covers his ears at random times (he doesn’t like ear cancelling headphones either) and today he asked me to squeeze this part and a little further in of his ear. He sat there smiling listening to the drills outside as long as I was squeezing his ear then he didn’t cover them… he told me what to do to help him… so I started wondering if maybe I could find a clip on earring w out the earring and see if maybe that might help him at times he wants to cover his ears. He never has liked earplugs either which makes sense if squeezing his ear is what helps. Anyone else ever experience this to help their kiddos? I love even w limited language this kid is starting to learn to tell me stuff so he can gain more coping skills! Our kiddos are in there we just can’t give up!! #autism#nevergiveup #hope #copingskills

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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Beach Lovers! #autism #autismdiet

Trust is often an issue w those w Autism. One thing I do is say, “I promise” and only say it when I mean it. Today was a long day at work and yet Jax knew when I got home that we would take a walk on the beach. We did and used a flashlight. He loves the moon and stars and calmness of the night. Coming home to this smile is the best feeling! I am the luckiest mom to have a son who loves the beach as much as I do. It was pretty dark and yet we saw others also taking a stroll. #summernights #beachlovers#lovethiskiddo #autism #nevergiveup 🌚🔦🌊

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Monday, 3 July 2017

Dear Autism… #autism #autismdiet

Dear Autism,

Today you are winning… but I won’t give up. I know my son is in there. I truly hate yeast and Clostridia. The tears today are more than I can handle and I put it up to God. It just seems so unfair. Autism doesn’t care if you did all you could right in your life… no one should have to watch their children go through this. If you write to me today to tell me Autism is beautiful (I assure you today is not the day to talk to me then). You can come and hear my son so upset and then tell me it’s so beautiful.

I pray the meds that are supposed to kill the bad bacteria work.

I will wipe my tears and keep going…

The bad guys (in this case bacteria) won’t win.
White hats always win in the end! I keep telling myself that.

A determined mother #autism #hope #nevergiveup #frontlines

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Friday, 23 June 2017

Shake Up That Etch A Sketch #autism #autismdiet

So there are days like today that I just wish for normal. Whatever normal is. Autism can be so challenging and I have to keep reminding myself to shake up my etch a sketch and re draw a new picture of what perfect is. Some of us in the community won’t ever get the graduations, school dances, soccer games, driver’s license, first dates and so on… When I was a little girl I used to dream of getting to be the mom that cut up orange slices for my kids sporting practices, I looked forward to complaining about car pool, and having the crazy waffle weekend breakfast’s as I yelled at my kids to pick up their shoes they left laying on the ground… That is not my reality these days and I have to continue to be excited on all of our victories and accomplishments… Like his first words again after losing all of his speech at 15 months of age, the first time he looked at me again, his laughter after holding him for years and years in my arms as he screamed. I have so many dreams for Jaxson still. I will never stop dreaming and reaching for all the stars for him. I have to redefine what normal is for me today. Normal changes daily too… Today’s normal won’t be tomorrow’s. Learning to appreciate and be grateful for every wonderful moment we get when Jax is doing well and feeling well….. So I am shaking up my etch a sketch and re drawing what today’s normal and perfect is…. #autism #hope #nevergiveup

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Monday, 19 June 2017

Never Give Up #autism #autismdiet

So as many of you might know we have been going thru some challenges with Jax. Multiple doctors visits, EEG, lab work, just sent more labs off today and am praying for an answer. My heart has been hurting greatly and I just keep praying and keeping my mind occupied as otherwise I would be in constant tears. Today Jaxson’s iPad broke and I was calling to see if our AppleCare was still good and the gentlemen on the phone asked for my email and such and answered my questions. Unfortunately, we are just out of warranty however right before we hung up he said to me, “I noticed your email has the word Autism in it. Do you work with families or have a child of your own with Autism?” I replied that I work for a non profit and yes I had a son.He then said, “I want you to know it’s going to be okay with your son. I was diagnosed with Autism and didn’t speak til I was 9 or 10 and my parents never gave up and I am now working at Apple with a great life. Times can be hard for both of you but he knows you love him.” I asked him what did he think helped him start talking and doing better. He said his parents love and he believed some nutritional supplements but didn’t remember which ones. He said his brain started thinking more clearly and he started learning to deal with his anxiety and fear.
I just started crying on the phone and said you have no idea how great that is for me to hear.
What an amazing story and just the right time… #nevergiveup #hope#autism

I am sure his parents did a lot more than he knows however, I love that their love and nutritional supplements is what he remembered as what helped the most… he told me to share his story. Sadly, I can’t remember his name but he was just like one of our kids…

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Thursday, 18 May 2017

AHA’s Visit To Autism Treatment Center of America #autism #autismdiet

On my way home from Massachusetts. AHA’s Founder and I visited the Autism Treatment Center of America. It was an amazing trip to see our friends there. We were ecstatic to have completed the commitment Autism Hope Alliance had made to fund 100 families to attend a Son-Rise program. These are some pictures of the campus. We feel so grateful for their friendship and to be able to help families together. For more info about their programs visit #autism #hope#nonprofitshelpingothernonprofits

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Thursday, 11 May 2017

Care for the Caregiver / Self Care #autism #autismdiet

“Please place the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping small children or others who may need assistance”. These are the words we hear whenever we fly. The reason is obvious; we can’t help others until we first help ourselves. It seems simple, doesn’t it? But in life, it is rarely so easy to discern. When we are tasked with the job of giving care to a loved one, we often overlook the needs of ourselves. This, however, can be counterproductive since the care given is only as good as the energy levels, emotional stability and attitude of the caregiver.

Let’s take a step back and look specifically at the caregivers of a son, daughter or loved one with Autism. Though this will be our focus, the principles apply to anyone providing needed care to others. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 1 in 68 children have been diagnosed with Autism. Some believe the number is even more shocking, that is 1 in 45. Regardless, it is an epidemic today and 1 in 20 households are affected. If yours is not, you likely know someone who is. This means there are millions of caregivers who regularly assist small children, adolescents, and adults who live with this diagnosis. The disorder is considered to be part of a spectrum, so there is a wide array of symptoms from the not so obvious to the very serious and everything in between.

Though the symptoms vary, there is one thing we can be certain of – much care and oversight is required. As a result, one of the parents frequently becomes a full-time caregiver and this often lasts a lifetime. The demands of providing full-time care contribute to an enormous amount of additional stress on marriages, family, and outside relationships. According to Psychology today “The diagnosis causes stress in many different ways that are not always obvious, and the stress can be significant. Some suffer from acute and chronic stress that can often take a toll similar to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. In addition, the diagnosis often changes entire family dynamics, not just the marriage. It also can change relationships with friends, extended family, and coworkers. It can take months, sometimes years to come to acceptance and also to adapt to the new level of stress that often accompanies the diagnosis”. Add to this the potential increase of anxiety, health problems, frustration, burnout and lack of sleep often associated with caring for the needs of others and you can see why self-care is essential. So what can be done?

Fuel Up

The importance of good nutrition is essential to maintain the energy level needed to care for your child. This is often underestimated and overlooked since the intake of something sweet or bad for you feels like a way to disengage and do something for yourself. In other words, “I deserve this.” This can take a huge toll on energy levels and attitude.

Besides the need to manage the foods we eat by avoiding deep fried foods, fast food, sweets, and desserts while consuming a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, and lean protein, the caregiver should add some essential supplements. The basics include the daily intake of a multi-vitamin (preferably one from whole food sources), probiotics, flax or fish oil and a digestive enzyme with each meal. This can help recharge and maintain your metabolic batteries. When you maintain a proper diet, something sweet from time to time does little damage and really feels like a reward, after all – you deserve it.

Rest Up

The proper amount of rest is necessary to be a good caregiver. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours a day. They also state that some can get by with just 6 hours of sleep. You likely know how much you need to feel well rested. The lack of proper amounts of sleep can alter the attitude of the caregiver and create an atmosphere of frustration, anxiety, and lack of patience. Often getting the rest that is needed can be challenging if other demands are placed on them. It is essential though to find the time! The solution often rests in delegating other responsibilities to family members. Another option is to sleep during down times, such as when the child takes a nap. Don’t underestimate the value of a “power nap.”

Help Wanted

It is essential for most caregivers to have assistance that will allow them to take some “me time”. Some have the means to hire a qualified helper but for many, this simply is not an option. This means that you must learn to ask for help from family members, friends, and potential volunteers. Keep in mind that although it can be hard to ask for such assistance, it is likely the only way you will get it.

The Power of Knowledge

They say knowledge is power and how true this is when it comes to caring for the needs of a child with Autism. There are some wonderful resources that cannot only help with some of the behavioral challenges associated with Autism but also with maintaining balance, communicating with your child and maintaining your marriage. My favorite resources can be found at –

There’s More…

Through proper nutrition, adequate rest, getting help when needed and gaining knowledge can help, there is much more one can do. Psychological First Aid – 2016, adds: using stress management tools, practicing brief relaxation techniques, regular exercise, staying aware of one’s limitations, increasing activities that are positive along with limiting the intake of caffeine and tobacco can also reduce some of the stress and anxiety associated with providing long-term care.

Finally – Avoid the Guilt Trip 

Guilt can be a powerful reason for many not to take care of themselves when they are consumed by the challenge of taking care of someone else. Sherrie Bourg Carter Psy.D. at Psychology Today states: “Some people feel guilty about taking time for themselves. They see themselves as the one who should be taking care of everyone else, and their needs often fall by the wayside. However, taking care of yourself is something that you should never feel guilty about. It not only models healthy behavior for the ones you love, it also keeps you happy, healthy, and strong so that you can continue doing what fulfills you; and if that’s taking care of others, then you’re in an even better position to do that”.

So put the oxygen mask on and take care of yourself first! You will be a better caregiver as a result and find even more joy in doing so.

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Sunday, 23 April 2017

Tony Robbins, Jesse Itzler & Harvey Diamond Help Raise Awareness for Autism! #autism #autismdiet

The Autism Hope Alliance is happy to have the support of three very active and generous “influencers”. Tony Robbins, Jesse Itzler and Harvey Diamond have lent their name’s to our cause and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Tony Robbins is the author of six internationally bestselling books, including most recently New York Times #1 bestsellers UNSHAKEABLE! He is also a founder or partner in more than thirty companies in various industries, ranging from technology and sports to events and hospitality, including the #1 rated resort & spa in the Fijian islands. These companies have combined annual sales of $5 billion.

Recently Tony shared a Facebook post and tweeted about The Autism Hope Alliance and the Gift of Hope effort –








Jesse Itzler cofounded Marquis Jet, the world’s largest prepaid private jet card company in 2001, which he and his partner sold to Berkshire Hathaway. He then helped pioneer the coconut water craze with Zico coconut water, which he and his partners sold to The Coca-Cola Company in 2013. When he is not running ultra marathons or being a dad to his four kids, Jesse can be found at the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks games, where he is an owner of the team. He is married to Spanx founder Sara Blakely and the couple and their 4 children. Recently Jesse posted a challenge on Facebook and YouTube to his fellow “Fitlanthopists” to raise money and awareness for families of children with Autism-

Recently Jesse posted a challenge on Facebook and YouTube to his fellow “Fitlanthopists” to raise money and awareness for families of children with Autism-








Harvey Diamond is a Health & Wellness Advocate and New York Times #1 Bestselling Author who has been studying and teaching the principles of healthful living for over 45 years. He is credited as a pioneer in helping shift people toward healthier eating. He has helped millions of people worldwide to not only dramatically improve their health but also to overcome serious, catastrophic disease. His Fit for Life books have sold nearly 14 million copies in 33 languages and are read in over 80 countries. Fit for Life held the #1 position on the prestigious New York Times Bestseller list for an unprecedented 40 consecutive weeks. It was the fastest selling book of its kind in history.

Harvey was recently interviewed for the upcoming “Autism Hope Summit” where he covers the topic about Care for the Caregiver like no one else can. This will be heard by tens of thousands of parents who give full-time care to children diagnosed with Autism. It can be heard during the week of May 15th.

Autism now affects 1 in 20 households and raising awareness is a monumental task. We are exceedingly happy to have such influencers join us in sharing our message of hope. Thank you Jesse, Harvey, and Tony for the care and generosity you show!

You Can Help!

  1. Spread the word. Tell friends, loved ones and post on social media the opportunity to help others.
  2. Purchase or subscribe to the Gift of Hope at When you do a box is sent to a family in need.
  3. Donate to the Gift of Hope here. Every $75.00 raised provides a month supply of essential nutritional products to a family in need.

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Friday, 17 March 2017

The Gift of Hope #autism #autismdiet

The Gift of Hope is a program designed to support families of children with Autism. The gift is made possible by means of the generous donations of our sponsors and contains essential nutritional products.

Families that are approved will receive a one month supply of four nutritional products every month for a year, after which, they can re-qualify.


Families are prequalified based on financial need and renewed yearly. They will submit:

  • Gift of Hope Application
  • Tax Return
  • Pay Stub(s)
  • ATEC Survey

AHA will confirm you are under the median income for the state in which you live.

Families will be asked to fill out a new ATEC survey every 90 days and results will be tracked.


TIER 1 | Families that qualify for this tier get all the products every month, for one year at no charge!

TIER 2 | This tier is for the families that have higher income but could still use a break. Families that qualify for this tier can purchase the package at a greatly discounted rate.


Greens or Vitamins (Round 1 = Vibrant Health – Super Kids Vibrance Greens)

Proper nutrition is essential for the health of everyone. Vitamins and minerals are fundamental for cellular function, energy, immune support and fighting free radical damage.  AHA will provide either a plant source greens powder or a whole food multivitamin. Either can be mixed with juice or a smoothie and consumed as a drink.

Essential Fats (Round 1 = Barleans – Fish Oil  – Omega Swirl)

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are an important part of every diet. Few people get enough. EFA’s are necessary for proper brain function, cell function, skin health, mood and appetite control. The EFA’s we provide are either emulsified in a great tasting liquid or oil-based that can be added to numerous foods or a smoothie.

Digestive Enzymes (Round 1 = Houston Enzymes – TriEnza)

Digestive enzymes are helpful in assisting the body in properly breaking down foods that are consumed. This takes stress off the digestive system and reduces common symptoms of poor digestion. The enzymes provided by AHA are in a capsule form and can be mixed with food or a drink.

Probiotics (Round 1 = Master Supplements – Theralac)

Probiotics are living beneficial bacteria that colonize the intestinal tract and support the digestive process. This reduces common symptoms of poor digestion. There is increasing evidence that they can also improve mood and behavior. The capsule provided can be easily opened and delivered in food.

Let us know what you think!

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Monday, 6 February 2017

The Ultimate Paleo Food List #autism #autismdiet

paleo diet

The Ultimate Paleo Food List

 The Paleolithic, Paleo, Caveman, or Stone-Age Diet, is focused on returning to the diet that our evolutionary ancestors ate before they settled into an agricultural lifestyle. The idea stems from a belief that the change in diet and lifestyle between the Paleolithic era and the Neolithic Revolution led to the existence of many diseases and health problems that we humans have today, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and many autoimmune disorders as well. Proponents of Paleo eating, including the author of The Paleo Diet, Loren Cordain, advocate that many of these issues can be avoided by returning to eating habits practiced by hunter-gatherers.

Although long-term effects of the Paleo diet have not been studied at this point, there are some positive health effects that many Paleo eaters report, including lowered blood sugar, weight loss, and higher energy levels. So, “What is the downside?” The Paleo diet can be a tough transition, as there are quite a few restrictions on what you can and cannot eat. Below, we’ve put together an extensive, but by no means definitive, list of foods that are Paleo-friendly and a list of foods that are not accepted under the Paleo diet. Remember, our ancestors lived in very diverse areas with different dietary options, so there is technically not a single, “correct” Paleo diet. This is all about emulating early human eating habits to try and retain their health benefits. It’s okay to personalize the diet with what works best for you.

What Are The Rules of Paleo?


The most basic rule of the Paleo lifestyle is that you do not eat anything that our Paleolithic ancestors either could not or would not have eaten. The “could not” part refers to anything that involves modern processing technologies, such as processed grains, candy, or added sugars like in fruit juices. The “would not” part is a little different, and can cause some confusion when eating Paleo. Legumes like peanuts and beans were likely around in the Paleolithic Era, but evidence suggests that our ancestors either did not eat them at all, or simply did not eat them like we do today. Thus, all legumes are technically not on the Paleo Diet. The same goes for many starchy vegetables like white potatoes and squashes.

Um, No Potatoes?

Nope. Some foods that the Paleo diet restricts are simply due to health reasons. As the main purpose of the Paleo diet is to restore humans to our “natural” or evolutionary state of healthy living, some limits have been placed on foods that do not seem to meet those standards. Most food items on the Paleo list have a few things in common:


· High in protein
· Low in carbohydrates
· Low score on the glycemic index
· High in fiber
· Moderate to high in fat intake (mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats)
· High in potassium and low in sodium
· Net dietary alkaline load that balances dietary acid
· High in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant phytochemicals

It follows, then, that if an item does not meet these qualifications, it may be seen as not truly Paleo. So out go your starches and foods that are high on the glycemic index, like lentils and legumes!

Where Does This Leave Me?

Great question. There are a ton of items still acceptable to the hunter-gatherer’s diet. Here is a list of some of the most common foods that those on the Paleolithic diet love to consume regularly. Stock up on these foods if you plan on going Paleo!
· Meat, preferably lean meats like chicken, and grass-fed, free-range choices
· Fresh Vegetables, preferably the non-starchy ones
· Fresh Fruits
· Any kind of nut that can be eaten raw (cashews, almonds, pecans, etc.)
· Fish and Seafood of all kinds, including Shellfish and Sashimi!
· Eggs
· Seeds, those that can be eaten raw
· Healthy Oils (olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, and coconut)
· Clarified Butter, or Ghee
· Sweet Potatoes (only in moderation)

In general, you can eat as much meat, as many fruits, and as many veggies as you would like. However, the balance needs to be right as a whole so that you are not missing out on nutrients or stock-piling too much of one thing. The main nutrient issue with the Paleo diet is that it contains no dairy whatsoever. Dairy is a good source of calcium, riboflavin, and vitamin D, so followers of the Paleo diet may be deficient in some of these categories. Other deficiencies include Magnesium, Iron, and Folic Acid. Pay attention to your consumption of these nutrients to stay as healthy as possible. Foods like leafy greens, roe/caviar, and chicken livers can help you gain all of these nutrients.


Another health issue with Paleo eating is that it is very possible for a person to eat too much protein. Having too much protein can leave you feeling nauseated and parched, as well as lead to more serious issues like kidney damage. Make sure you do not rely on meat or other proteins for the majority of your diet while trying to follow the Paleo diet. Try to mix it up, and maintain a balance of at least 1/3 protein, 1/3 carbohydrates, and 1/3 fats. Luckily the fats included in the Paleo plan are almost all monounsaturated or Omega-3 fats, otherwise known as “good” fats so you will no longer be storing the bad fats up with every meal!

One additional note – most Paleo followers only eat grass-fed or free-range meats. The belief is that these are more closely related to the meats that our ancestors ate as they were hunting in the wild. Also, many animals today are given feed that is high in saturated fats and sugar, as well as various chemicals that are not Paleo.

Okay, What Can I NOT Eat?


This list is by no means exhaustive, as the packaged, canned, and boxed foods category could go on and on forever. However, many of the most commonly opposed foods on the Paleo diet are listed below so you can see what you would be letting go of if you started following the Paleo plan. Many of these products are high in saturated fats and refined sugars which are commonly believed to not be good for your body. As we mentioned, there is no tried and true correct Paleo diet, but most people on Paleo have made the diet fit to make their body feel best. The key here is moderation—for instance, honey is a way better option than an added sugar supplement, and potatoes in their pure sense are not terrible. Just avoid the processed versions like fries and potato chips!

Foods That Are Not Paleo:
· White Potatoes and Squashes
· All Dairy Products besides Butter and Heavy Cream
· Any Processed Foods or foods that contain processed foods (anything in a bag, can, or box at the store)
· Legumes (peanuts, beans, peas, lentils etc.)
· All Cereal Grains
· Any Kind of Rice
· Overly Salty Foods
· Vegetable, Hydrogenated and Partly Hydrogenated Oils
· Processed Meats (think Spam!)
· Soft Drinks, Fruit Juices, and Energy Drinks (due to the added sugars)
· Alcohol (Red Wine is the best if you have to cheat, though!)
· Caffeine in General
· Coffee – Oh no!
· All Foods and Drinks with Added Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners
· Meat Substitutes like Soy, Tofu, etc.
· Candy and Processed Snack Foods
· Honey (most of the time)

Basically, you will avoid anything that is not a raw animal or plant product. This list should help you rule out some of the questionable items, but again, it is not definitive. Always make sure you read your labels to see if an item contains sugars or oils that you would not expect!

Paleo Cooking Methods


So we tend to use the word “raw” very often when discussing Paleo diets. It may be scary to imagine yourself chowing down on a giant plate of raw spinach every night, but that is definitely not the case. Our ancestors did have access to basic cooking, so some methods of preparing your foods are allowed on the Caveman Diet. You will need to stay away from frying and anything that involves flour or breading, as well as pay attention to what oils are used to cook your foods. When eating out, remember to always ask your waiter about the oils used and stick to those that are Paleo-approved (olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, and coconut)!

Paleo Cooking Methods:
· Grilling – There is nothing like a perfectly grilled steak or chicken breast! Try grilling your veggies, or even some fruits like tomatoes and pineapple, for Paleo skewers that are delicious!
· Braising – This method creates the most tender meats by searing them first and then slowly cooking the rest of the meat.
· Sauteeing – Again, just pay attention to what oils you use!
· Stir-Frying – Try Paleo-friendly Cauliflower Rice and Coconut Aminos in place of rice and soy sauce!
· Roasting – Use the drippings from your roasting pan to create a Paleo-friendly sauce !
· Slow Cooking – Perfect for getting fall-off-the-bone meat and so easy for the busy Cavemen out there!
· Steaming – Works well for hard vegetables to get them really crisp!
· Poaching – Ideal for chicken or fish filets to keep them moist and flavorful!

With all of these cooking methods, you have just enough leeway to get your imagination going and create some delicious and healthy Paleo meals! Show us in the comments below what you create!

Paleo Recipes

apple chips

Since The Paleo Diet was released in 2002, the popularity of Caveman eating has grown considerably. Luckily, this has made it easier than ever to make the transition from modern eating to Paleo eating. Any of your favorite non-Paleo treats most likely have a Paleo substitute recipe (or four) out there already! We encourage you to create your own substitutions as well!

Some popular Paleo substitutions include:
· Bob’s Red Mill Paleo Baking Flour for All-Purpose Flour
· Coconut or Almond Milk when dairy is needed
· Coconut Aminos for Soy Sauce
· Honey or Maple Syrup (if you have to) instead of sugar
· Cauliflower makes a delicious rice substitute!
· Spaghetti Squash or Zucchini Noodles in exchange for regular noodles
· Ghee, not Margarine (Ghee is also known as clarified butter)
· Cauliflower Pizza Crust with all of your favorite veggie and meat toppings!
· Nut Mix as a substitute for Granola in your parfaits or oatmeal
· Almond Butter, not Peanut Butter
· Dark Chocolate instead of Milk Chocolate
· Cauliflower as a stand in for Chickpeas in Hummus
· Plantain, Kale, Apple, or other Chips as a Paleo-friendly potato chip option
· Greens or Lettuce in place of Tortillas or Bread

Bob’s Red Mill carries some delicious oats and flour substitutes that are Paleo friendly! Some of our favorite treats have been made Paleo by using these substitutions, including pancakes, cookies, and brownies. I think we can all agree that not having to give up pizza is for the best!

paleo salad

Going Paleo is about getting in touch with our evolutionary past as humans and learning more about our bodies, with a goal of keeping them as fit and healthy as possible. The Paleo lifestyle extends further than food in a lot of areas, such as treating food as a fuel source for exercising, and only eating when you are hungry as the “cavemen” did. Although the long-term effects of Paleo eating have not yet been studied, the health benefits of a more produce-heavy diet are obvious. If you choose to transition to a Paleo diet, we encourage you to share your favorite recipes and your progress in the comments below!

The post The Ultimate Paleo Food List appeared first on autismhopealliance.

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via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Never Stop Believing #autism #autismdiet

So this video is almost 4 min and might seem like no big deal. Some might even wonder how could I be so excited?! Well, Jax in the history of going to the beach has never drawn by himself in the sand. Typically it’s me w his help. He is often anxious and nervous to try stuff… today he did it all by himself…. telling me each random animal he wanted to draw… I was so excited and as we left I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my cheek as I watched him run happily on the sand. I get my booty kicked by autism often and moments like this remind me to never give up that he is in there… even w limited language… this took years…. I knew he could do it! Never give up… our kids are in there… I will always be this kiddos biggest cheerleader! Go Jax Go!! #autism #nevergiveup #neverstopbelieving


The post Never Stop Believing appeared first on autismhopealliance.

from autismhopealliance
via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Way to start the year off….NeverGiveUp #autism #autismdiet

I am in tears… of joy! This kiddo was hanging out alone in his room and colored this by himself! Now you might think: “So what is the big deal?” This kid just started coloring this year from time to time. I have never seen him outline in my life! He colored all of this by memory as there was nothing to copy as it was just a blank coloring page. He doesn’t really watch almost anything w Mickey Mouse so this is from his memory. I am blown away and am sobbing as this is so huge! I am going to frame this for sure. He is emerging more and more and I am overjoyed with emotions.
I will never take anything for granted and I am so proud of him! What a great way to start the year! Go Jax Go!! #neverevergiveup #autism #hope#greatthingstocome2017

The post Way to start the year off….NeverGiveUp appeared first on autismhopealliance.

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via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet
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