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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Beach Lovers! #autism #autismdiet

Trust is often an issue w those w Autism. One thing I do is say, “I promise” and only say it when I mean it. Today was a long day at work and yet Jax knew when I got home that we would take a walk on the beach. We did and used a flashlight. He loves the moon and stars and calmness of the night. Coming home to this smile is the best feeling! I am the luckiest mom to have a son who loves the beach as much as I do. It was pretty dark and yet we saw others also taking a stroll. #summernights #beachlovers#lovethiskiddo #autism #nevergiveup 🌚🔦🌊

The post Beach Lovers! appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.

from Autism Hope Alliance
via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet


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