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Monday, 16 October 2017

Facing Fear #autism #autismdiet

So some of you know my son is terrified of dogs… so what do I do? Get a dog…. I truly believed in all my heart the best way through a fear is head on… it’s been a slow process and a lot training for Bella (our pup) but, slowly Jax (9.5 months later) is watching us play catch in front yard (he sits on porch swing while I throw the ball for Bella-huge step), then today I had Bella lay down near porch swing and set timer for 2 min and Jax petted her on his own (still hesitated but smiled lots) and wait for it… drum roll and fireworks please 🎊🎈this kid went on his first walk w Bella (just down the street and back w me). I held his hand and leash in same hand and we did it!! He was skipping at one point as he was nervous but so proud of himself!! I can’t wait til they are best friends!! I know it will happen!! Go Jax! Go Bella!! #boyandhisdog #nevergiveup #hope #autism
PS huge note since getting Bella he doesn’t freak out when he sees other dogs walking by anymore (that used to be a huge problem!) #proudmommy

The post Facing Fear appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.

from Autism Hope Alliance
via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet


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