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Traffic-related air pollution may play a role in development of autism, new research suggests. A Canadian study found that exposure to a common air pollutant during pregnancy was tied to higher odds of a child being diagnosed with autism by age five. That pollutant, nitric oxide, is associated with traffic pollution, the researchers noted.
Three common air pollutants
“There is no cure for autism spectrum disorder, so prevention has an important role to play,” said lead researcher Lief Pagalan. “Avoiding air pollution is not easy because it’s all around us, and we should see this as a broader public health issue,” said Pagalan, of the faculty of health sciences at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. “In the long term, it’s about bringing down air pollution levels for everyone.”
About one in 59 American children has some form of autism, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and include difficulties with socialization and communication. Scientists have begun to believe environmental factors play a role in its development, and research studies are zeroing in on air pollution.
This Canadian study looked at children born in Vancouver from 2004 through 2009. The researchers evaluated exposure to three common air pollutants: nitrogen dioxide; PM2.5 (tiny particles of combustion); and nitric oxide. They also took into account other factors such as child’s sex, the month and year of birth, the mother’s age and birthplace, city living, and income. Only prenatal exposure to higher levels of nitric oxide appeared to increase odds for autism, Pagalan said.
Identifying environmental risk factors
Of more than 132 000 children whose records were examined, 1% were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder by their fifth birthday. The effect was modest – just a 7% higher risk for every 11 parts per billion increase in nitric oxide, the study found. Pagalan cautioned that this study cannot prove air pollution causes autism, only that they are associated. “Our research did not focus on causal mechanisms, but instead on identifying environmental risk factors, which helps identify opportunities for prevention,” he said.
Vancouver is a city known for low levels of air pollution, the researchers pointed out. These findings do not mean that other types of air pollutants or combinations of pollution aren’t potential triggers of autism. This is an area for further study, the study authors noted. What causes autism isn’t entirely clear. Research into possible environmental culprits is relatively recent, so scientists don’t fully understand the links, Pagalan added.
No biological exposure data
But the new study findings are consistent with those from studies done in the United States, Israel and Taiwan, he and his colleagues said. “Researchers have hypothesised that environmental exposures affect the immune or endocrine systems, or cause oxidative stress and inflammation,” he said. “This, in turn, may affect neurodevelopment.” In any case, the effects of air pollution on the risk for autism spectrum disorder, while apparent, are small, said Thomas Frazier, chief science officer at Autism Speaks, an autism advocacy organization in the United States. “Even for nitric oxide, the effects are very small,” Frazier said. “This may be due to the still relatively crude measurement of exposure, since we don’t have actual biological exposure data for each child.” Whether reducing exposure to nitric oxide will decrease the likelihood of autism spectrum disorder needs to be studied, Frazier said.
The report was published online in JAMA Pediatrics.
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The post How to Help Picky Eaters – Kristin Selby Gonzalez & Lisa Ackerman appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post A Parents Journey – Jacquline & Chris Laurita appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
So my son is the sweetest. For almost a year, every time I take my evening shower I come out to a surprise…he puts my pj’s out for me (the cutest part is they always match). I love his heart. Grateful for my kiddo.
The post Taking Care of Each Other appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post My Special Needs Child is Turning 18 / Legal Challenges – Dr. Art Swerdloff appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Autism & Lessons in Love – Ocean Robbins (Father of 2 & CEO of Food Revolution Network) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Hypothyroidism (NTIS) in Children with Autism – Dr. Raphael Kellman appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Self Care for Caregivers – Managing Stress / Stacey Littlefield (Master Herbalist) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Food Intolerances – The Enzyme Solution – Tom Bohager (Enzymedica Founder) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Finding Vitality in Your Life – Dr. Pedram Shojai appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Interview with James Neubrander – (M.A.P.S. Doctor) – Part 2 appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
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The post Navigating Through Specialized Diets – Liz Lipski Ph.D appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Conscious Loving in High Stress Relationships – Gay Hendricks (The Hendricks Institute) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Let’s Go Shopping: Special Foods For Special Needs (Full Version) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Conscious Uncoupling – Happiness After a Divorce – Katherine Woodward Thomas (Author) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Autism and Anesthesia – Dr Dan Rossignol (2 Minute Tip) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
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The post How Hyperbaric Therapy and Safe Detoxification Can Help Your Children – Dr Dave Dornfeld (M.A.P.S. Doctor) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
Kristin: Would like to welcome Raun K. Kaufman, director of global education for the autism treatment center of America and author autism breakthrough. Today’s title of our discussion is Truly Social Breakthrough Strategies To Help Our Children Overcome Their Biggest Challenges and Generally Connect With Others. Welcome Ron, thanks for being here. You have a remarkable history. Can you tell us about it?
Ron: When I was a little kid, I was actually diagnosed with severe autism. And I had no language, no communication whatsoever. I was very much in my own world; I would spend hours and hours doing repetitive behavior is what many people call stems, I would rock back and forth, flat my hands in front of my face. My parents were told not only was this a severe case of case of autism, but this was a lifelong permanent condition…
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On October 15, 2004 my son Jaxson was diagnosed with Autism. He was just 2.5 years old. That day the world truly changed from color to black and white. After crying for 2 weeks and feeling sorry for myself I got out of bed and started to research. I found a program called “Son-Rise” and I was booked on a flight to head to Massachusetts 5 weeks later. I turned 28 years old the week I went to Son-Rise. I was just a kid trying to figure this all out and so scared. My son didn’t look or talk. He cried for hours a day in stomach pain and I remember holding him in my arms and rocking him, as it was the only way to help him. I would stand for so many hours my knees would actually buckle. When he wasn’t in pain he was completely in his own world: lining up objects, stimming all day, and it felt like he never slept. I went to this program and came home with tools on how to enter is world. It was life changing for me. It changed my attitude and perspective on what was possible. Crazy to read what my 28 year old self wrote. I still remember writing this letter crying so hard I could barely see the paper (the original letter was handwritten) and the tears were soaking the paper. What a journey this has been. Jaxson has come so far! He is still my teacher and I still learn daily! I will never give up! Just last night he read to me 80% of two books all by himself! They are 1st grade level however, this was a kid they said it was never possible! He amazes me every day! I so love this boy! I am honored to be his Mommie.
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We are excited to announce that Autism Hope Alliance will be speaking at the USAutism Association 13th Annual World Conference and Expo on November 29th!
We have over $50k in giveaways that we will be giving out during the 3 days, with $25k alone in giveaways to be given out during our lecture!
If you are a family in need and would like to attend we have a limited amount of scholarships.
To apply email:
For the first time ever we will be doing a Facebook Live on Autism Hope Alliance’s Facebook Page during the lecture for those that can’t attend.
We are so grateful for our partners for their generous donations and we are honored to be a part of this conference!
For more about the conference go to:
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The post A Starter Approach to Supplementation – Celeste King appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Behaviors, Bacteria, Biofilm, and the Gut – Dr Anju Usman (M.A.P.S. Doctor) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post Strategies for Prevention & Recovery – Donna Gates (Author – The Body Ecology Diet) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
The post How to Navigate Through Biomedical – Dr. Dan Rossignol (M.A.P.S. Doctor) appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
So grateful that Jax is ok. I was at work and got a call that he was having a reaction to cashews (we didn’t know he was allergic) and was swelling up and breaking out all over his body. I met his father at the urgent care and we are beyond grateful to Nair Urgent Care for being so wonderful to Jax and helping us so quickly. They are so caring and loving! Words can’t express my gratitude! When you have a child w Autism it’s so hard to go to the ER (having this place is truly a blessing). #beyondgrateful Special Thanks to Dr Buddha, Helen and Patrick!!
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The post Changing Your Child’s Diet – Dr. Mercola appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
So as I am getting ready to start my first of a handful of classes I need to take to learn how to keep my son safe as he becomes an Adult in the next 1.5 years, my heart is heavy. I prayed and asked God to calm my heart as I am fighting back the tears. I never ever wanted to learn about this and I don’t think any parent should have to. I am wiping the tears and keeping my head up, as my son is counting on me to be strong. Never when I was pregnant did I ever read anything about this in the baby books. I don’t know why some people get so blessed with children that are so healthy and others we have to hold on to every victory and fight for everything to make sure our children get the best. I feel numb and sad today. However, I will never give up and I will always get back up and fight… I love you Jaxson. #nevergiveup #autism #hope
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It’s that time again! Time to “Get to Know” another amazing partner of ours!
Ultima Replenisher + Autism Hope Alliance
When and why was Ultima founded?
We were founded by a passionate nutritionist/long distance runner who created Ultima for the United States Track & Field distance athletes participating in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. At the time there were very few options for electrolyte replacement and most of them were full of sugar and artificial ingredients. We wanted something better for ourselves that we could feel good about drinking. So Ultima was born!
Why are electrolytes so important?
Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electrical charge. They have an impact on how your muscles function, how alkaline your blood is, and how much water you have in your body. They are key components in many bodily functions and as an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or even if you are gardening on a hot day, it is critically important to make sure you have an adequate supply of them in your body for optimum performance. Cramping is a sign that your body is already dangerously low on electrolytes. Many athletes suffer from leg cramps but it’s also common for older people to get leg cramps at night. Kids are especially prone to dehydration because their bodies don’t regulate temperature the same way an adult’s does. And they don’t always remember to drink before, during and after being active and can find themselves feeling light headed, dizzy or lethargic from dehydration. It’s important to make sure your body has a readily available supply of electrolytes so it can perform at its best, which is why it is best to consume electrolytes in a consistent manner so you go into your workout, training session or even your day to day activities, adequately hydrated.
Kids can be picky with flavors. What makes Ultima flavors different than other powder sticks on the market?
Kids love to try all the flavors we have available. Lemonade is a HUGE favorite among kids of all ages. Grape and Raspberry are a close second.
What are some of the top favorite flavors? Our top flavors are Lemonade, Raspberry and Cherry Pomegranate.
Can Ultima powder be used in recipes?
Ultima can be used in all kinds of recipes and smoothies. We love making Ultima ice pops, creamsicles, gummy bears, fruit smoothies, jello, and iced-tea combos. You can also use it in any recipe that calls for a sweetener like Stevia. Replace it with a scoop of Ultima and you get the added benefits of all 6 electrolytes, fruit flavors along with the sweetness of our organic stevia leaf extract.
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Dear Friends,
Can you believe fall is already here? This year is just going by so fast. We wanted to share with you where we have been and where we will be.
In June we visited New York to attend the Fancy Food Show. We then headed in September to Maryland to go to Natural Products Expo East and then to Southern California to participate in the Festival of Children event.
We are gearing up for November to attend the Gluten Free Expo in Northern California and then to Nevada to attend and speak at the US Autism Association Annual World Conference and Expo.
We will finish up the year attending the SOHO EXPO in Florida.
We wanted to share with you 2 very exciting online summits that are going to happen from some of our friends.
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So this just happened. Bought two razors and Jax grabbed the Norelco and shaved with his Dad today. I took pictures (and cheered). He was so excited to do it and I am so grateful it was super easy! I am so proud of this kiddo! He said, “no mustache”
#puberty #milestone #mamaproud #babygrowingup
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It’s that time once again! Time to ‘get to know’ another amazing partner of ours. Today, we’re so excited to introduce you to our friends at Babo Botanicals. At Babo Botanicals, they offer your family non toxic and pure hair, skin and sun solutions created with effective natural or organic ingredients. From sensitive skin to families who face food or skin allergies. Babo Botanicals is the first, and always, driven by quality and safety standards. They deliver products which provide health, beauty and happiness to the family. It is the rich botanical ingredients that set Babo products apart and deliver high quality solutions to hair and skin.
We asked Erin Sesil, Babo’s Marketing and Communications Manager, to share with our community a bit more about Babo and why they should be in your cupboards!
AHA: How, and when was Babo Botanicals founded?
Erin Sesil: Babo was founded in 2010 by founder, Kate Solomon. A product developer for brands including L’Oreal, Avon and Redken, Kate was in search of a line of products that both stood up to her professional standards and felt safe and natural enough for her new baby. With more children having allergies today, Kate created a line formulated with very clean, natural ingredients — her entrepreneurial spirit took over an Babo Botanicals began!
AHA: We love your line of sun care. What makes Babo’s one of the best on the market?
Erin: Babo Botanicals is committed to making the best natural sunscreen that uses clear zinc oxide as the principal ingredient. Zinc is a workhouse nutrient and is the leading filter for UVA and UVB rays. As a single ingredient, it protects against all rays and sits on top of the skin to form a formidable barrier. Reef safe and free of oxybenzone and octnoxate, Babo’s sunscreen is rated #1 in safety by the EWG and is the first-ever sunscreen to be certified MadeSafe(R)
AHA: Are your sunscreens safe for babies and young children?
Erin: Yes, all Babo Botanicals Mineral Sunscreens are chemical free and created with clean ingredients that are safe for babies, young children and anyone with sensitive skin.
AHA: Often, kiddos are sensitive to scents and textures. Is your SPF fragrance-free?
Erin: Babo Botanicals offers fragrance free sheer spray, sport sticks and lotions which are all great for anyone with sensitive skin.
AHA: Babo is EWG Verified. What does that mean?
Erin: Yes, Babo Botanicals has many EWG verified skin and hair care products and plan to submit more including our sunscreen for approval this year. The Environmental Working Group is an organization that researches environmental issues, like toxic chemicals and advocated to protect everyday Americans and the environment. The EWG Verified seal is awarded to any product that meets the EWG’s strict standards for verification including; complying with their ingredient requirements, good manufacturing practices and detailed product label.
Learn more about Babo Botanicals HERE and make sure to ‘like’ them on Facebook, and follow on Instagram and Twitter!
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So my life for the last almost 15 years has been Autism. I have lost most of my friends that I had prior to the diagnosis. My world is surrounded by those that either I work with, those I have supported their work in someway, families that are going through the same thing I am, companies that I work with to help encourage them to help the families I have met along the way and so forth. There is really no one in my life on a regular basis that is just my friend that has nothing to do with Autism. I have learned these last couple years (from some) and yesterday was another reminder that some you support in Autism are ONLY your friend when you do all they want, when they want and if not then you were never really friends. This saddened me as we live in a society of individuals often only caring about themselves and taking for granted all you do for them. This lesson has been hard for me as it always hurts me. I give my whole heart to all and I am always surprised by those that you support often just have their goals no matter who they hurt. It’s a tough world out there! The politics just really suck! If you only knew! I could seriously write a book from behind the scenes and you would be shocked by some! Lol I might wait for retirement for that one!
So as I was leaving work driving to Barre Ballet I started to appreciate my workout classes on a whole new level. This is a new way for me to meet new people I thought. They ask nothing from me, they just laugh with me as we do something good for our bodies. I started to really ponder changing my buckets of time I allocate for those I work around in the Autism world. I wanted to create more balance and open the door for new friends. I got to class and let go of the hurt that someone bestowed upon me through email earlier in the day and just danced! I laughed with others, I sweated and pushed through soreness and let the music take me over!
I am starting to learn new names and people are saying hi to me and happy to see me in class. Which they have no idea how awesome that is for me. They have no clue what I do, or how hard my life is sometimes with my son, they just have a welcoming smile and wave.
After class I was really grateful I had went. Often it can be hard to leave work for me as I can get swallowed up in emails and projects and lose track of time.
I made it to class with 2 min to spare, I slipped on my ballet shoes, stretched and just melted away the day.
Then the most amazing gift happened! I stopped at the grocery store to pick something up quickly before heading home and as I pushed my cart I hear “Hi Kristin! Do you live near here too?” It was a gal from my class! The feeling I got to feel what other people must get often was priceless! We stood in the aisle laughing and discussing the classes of the week. Just being two gals! I NEVER get that! She wanted nothing from me, expected nothing from me, asked me for nothing. Just friendship in the moment!!!
It truly was beyond awesome!!
Sooo glad I am doing these classes! It is giving me so much more than just workouts! It’s reminding me there is a world outside the Autism world and I am loving it!!
#NewPriorities #mytruth
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It’s time to “Get to Know” once again! With Get to Know, our goal is to introduce you to our amazing partners helping make possible all that AHA does. Today, we get to know our friends at Cauldron Bone Broths. At Cauldron Bone Broths, they’re making some of the best quality bone broth on the market.
Northwest Chef, Gabriel Claycamp, created Cauldron Broths in an effort to utilize the whole animal and to bring great flavors back to a culinary staple. He was frustrated by the lack of flavor and nutrients on the market and set out to develop a better quality product.
Together with Angela Pifer, a Functional Medicine Nutritionist, Cauldron brings incredible flavor together with nutritionally dense broths to not only provide the protein today’s foodie craves, but to heal the gut and treat a variety of symptoms.
If you have wondered what all this talk of bone broth is and why it’s said to be such a great addition to your diet, read on as we speak with Assistant HACCP Coordinator, McKinnon Dargan.
Autism Hope Alliance: When and how was Cauldron founded?
McKinnon: Cauldron was founded in 2016 when founder and Head Pot Jockey, Chef Gabriel started Cauldron Broths because he felt deep rooted responsibility to use the whole animal. Gabe helped to launch Jack Mountain Meats; which is a meat processing facility with a nose to tail philosophy. When Jack Mountain decided they wouldn’t be using the bones, Gabriel knew he had to do something. This is when Cauldron Broths was born. Rounding out Cauldron’s team is Functional Medicine Nutritionist, Angela Pifer. She’s had a thriving private practice in clinical nutrition for the past 12 years; specializing in functional gut disorders. For the past four years Angela has focused solely on SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth). Known as the “SIBO Guru,” she co-created GutRx Bone Broths, an innovative line of healing bone broths with Cauldron Broths, to help clients heal their gut.
AHA: What’s the difference from broth and bone broth?
McKinnon: Bone broth is a stock made by simmering bones for 24 to 48 hours, thereby drawing out the most protein (healing collagen) from the bones. Stock is similar but has less protein and mouthfeel in the recipe or end product. Cauldron Broths takes a traditional process of slow simmering of bones and trimmings and modernizes it with pressure kettles for less time to get the maximum nutrition and vibrant flavor out of each pot. This yields a clearer, brighter tasting product with more of the life giving nutrients than any other brand on the grocery market.
Rustic Chicken Soup
AHA: What are some benefits of adding bone broth to your diet?
McKinnon: Bone broth is made by gently simmering bones, which draws out healing collagen protein, trace minerals and electrolytes. Like a healing balm for your belly, our bone broths help to heal the gut lining, lowers inflammation and supports joint health. A healthy, easily digestible option for available protein, rich nutrients and amino acids proline and glycine that are easy to absorb.
AHA: Kiddos can be picky. What’s a good family recipe that includes your bone broth?
McKinnon: You can find recipes on the “Our Kitchen” page of our website:
My favorite kid friendly recipe is the Rustic Chicken Soup!
AHA: Do you make anything suitable for anyone following a meat-free diet?
McKinnon: We currently have an Organic Vegetable broth for those following a meat-free diet.
Visit Cauldron Bone Broths HERE. And make sure to like and follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
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It’s inevitable with age, but all children eventually transition from the carefree days of primary
school into secondary school. From this point on, they must put their nose to the books and,
largely, function academically without their parents’ assistance. If you’re facing this major
lifestyle change with your ASD child, you may be in for a rocky ride. Here are a few tips to help
you make the transition go smoothly.
According to guidelines published by researchers at the University of North Carolina, the
structure of a learning institution is often challenging for students with autism. One of the biggest
problems is often a lack of ability to understand activities, schedules, and expected behaviors in
the classroom. However, many students on the autism spectrum thrive when they have a
predictable routine. Before your child begins school, talk with educators about the schedule.
Give him access to a written schedule and ensure he has plenty of notice if something is
expected to change, such as having a substitute teacher or an abbreviated day.
Autism is a spectrum disorder — and it’s a wide spectrum. Many higher functioning ASD children
will benefit from an inclusion classroom setting. In the United States, some schools have taken
a proactive approach at providing inclusion and allowing ASD children to perform grade-level
work alongside their non-disabled peers. While this may not be the best approach for all
children on the spectrum, if your son or daughter does not have a co-occurring learning
disability, having the chance to attend classes with everyone else can be an effective treatment
method for autism.
Your child has no doubt been provided with an independent education plan (IEP). Regardless of
what it’s referred to in your district, this is simply a plan of action that provides accommodations
for his or her disability. As your child transitions into secondary school, make sure he or she is
aware of the accommodations that he’s been given throughout primary school. This will put him
in a better position to take ownership of his strengths and weaknesses and give him an idea of
areas he must work on in higher grades. Keep in mind that colleges typically cannot include
parents in disability planning, so the sooner your child learns to navigate this aspect of his
disability, the better.
When most kids feel stressed, it’s pretty easy to shake it off. This is not so with children on the
spectrum. While they may have difficulty accessing a safe place or safe person at school, you
can help them decompress once they arrive home by making sure you have a clean and
comfortable spot they can call their own. Your autism-friendly home environment should include
soothing colors and minimal distractions. Keep his or her learning space separate and
organized, which will help them focus when it’s time to tackle homework. Also, let their
educators know what signs to look for that may indicate that he or she has had enough. Create
a plan of action in case your child becomes overstimulated/stress-out at school.
Not all children on the spectrum do well in a traditional learning environment, but this doesn’t
mean there aren’t options. According to RaisingChildren.Net.Au, technical and further education
programs, along with vocational education and training, are also an option for your teen. Talk to
school administrators to determine if this may be a more viable option than a traditional
classroom setting.
Remember, routine, organization, and inclusion are three components to successful transition to
secondary school. It won’t always be easy, but given the right tools, your child can survive and
thrive despite his social and learning differences.
Jasmine Dyoco loves crossword puzzles and audio books, learning (anything!) and
fencing. She works with Educatorlabs to curate scholastic information.
(Image via Pixabay)
The post Tips on Transitioning Your ASD Teen Into Secondary School appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.
You want the very best for your child, but as you’re navigating the aisles at the grocery store,
you realize giving your child the best might require a bigger investment than you expected. It’s
an all-too-common experience families on a budget face when shopping–having to choose
between saving money and making healthier choices. But what if you could do both? One
retailer that’s committed to helping you break unhealthy habits without breaking the bank is Aldi.
Below are some of the ways Aldi is bucking the high-price-for-health trend by ensuring that
healthier options are not only affordable, but sometimes even cheaper than the conventional
and/or processed alternatives!
In recent years, Aldi has continued to expand their affordable USDA certified organic offering in
stores. They carry a line of USDA certified organic beef as well as organic produce. There are several benefits to buying organic, like protecting your family from pesticides used on non-organic options.
Earth Grown is Aldi’s foray into vegan cuisine, with a wide selection of plant-based burgers.
Rich in fiber and packed with a diverse set of up to 11 different veggies per patty, Earth Grown
is a perfect fit for a dairy-free, Autism-friendly diet. Give their black bean, kale, and quinoa
crunch flavors a try.
Dairy is not the only culprit; gluten has also been linked to poor health consequences. Aldi’s
LiveGFree line of gluten-free foods encompasses a wide variety of options that include pastas,
baking mixes, and granola bars. That way, you can cut out the gluten without having to cut out
your favorite bread products.
Reducing exposure to toxins is a key component to any health-and-wellness journey, but
nutrition alone won’t solve the problem; limiting exposure to toxins in our homes and in our
environment is just as important. Earth Friendly Products®, the maker of ECOS, has spent 50
years perfecting their sustainably produced, plant-powered cleaning products to ensure they’re
not only effective, but safer and healthier for families. Plus, for every ECOS product you
purchase at ALDI in Southern California through June 30th, Earth Friendly Products® will donate
$1 to support Autism Hope Alliance.
Look for Aldi’s locally grown logo the next time you shop. Buying from local farmers not only
strengthens your local economy, it might also result in healthier produce. Research shows that
fruits and vegetables begin to lose nutrients after they’re picked; therefore, less travel time could
mean more nutrient-dense fruits and veggies for your loved ones.
Find your local ALDI store HERE!
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Dear Friends,
We are so thrilled to share with you what we have been up to these last several months!
Click Here To Listen To The Audio Version of This Newsletter
In January we attended the Fancy Food Show and in March Natural Products Expo West. Our goal is to connect with more companies that can help our mission to help even more families.
In April we then headed to Michigan where we helped with a staff training for Delta Airlines. We shared tips on how to make it easier for our families to fly.
We also launched our 3rd Annual Autism Hope Summit, which reached over 9000 families and touched 168 countries. To learn more visit
You still have time to get your Pamper Me Pantry order in as the next round ships out mid July! What is Pamper Me Pantry? Go to to learn more
We are honored to announce we now have 111 total Affiliates and Partners that are standing together with us to make a difference. Please help us welcome to our AHA Family:
Autism Approved – Silver:
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