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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Help Our Kiddos Feel Their Best – Giving Tuesday! #autism #autismdiet

Dear AHA Friends,

We are inviting you to JOIN US on #GivingTuesday and help all kiddos feel their BEST! For as little as $25 we can help a family in need with a supplement for an entire month! Often many families can’t afford to get their children all the supplements they need. Through our Gift of Hope Program, we can help families and make a real difference. 1 in 68 children is being diagnosed with Autism.

Doesn’t every child deserve to feel their best, so they can do their best?

Click on here to watch a special message
Go to: and click DONATE and let’s help together!

With Love and Hope,
Kristin and the AHA Family

Kristin Selby Gonzalez
President, Autism Hope Alliance
Mother of Jaxson (diagnosed with Autism)

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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Autism Hope Alliance Newsletter October 2017 #autism #autismdiet

Dear AHA Friends,

WOW has this year just been flying by!!! We are proud to announce 89 Total Partner and Affiliates!

Click Here To Listen To The Audio Version of This Newsletter

We would like to welcome our newest Autism Approved Partners and Network Affiliates:

Autism Approved – Silver Partners:

Babo Botanicals 

Ottos Naturals 

AHA Network Affiliates:


Callie Doras


Together we can make a difference!

So…where have we been?

In July we headed to AZ, PA, and OR.
In September, we were in CA, MD and TX and lastly this October we were back in CA. We were honored to spread HOPE to many of the families that we met along the way.  We also gave away through our product donations over $100k in the last 3.5 months. That’s a whole lot of love we shared.

Autism Pantry 

If you haven’t visited us on our FB and Instagram page then you truly are missing out!! Almost weekly there is a giveaway!!! Make sure to check us out!

In December we have the Autism Pantry MEGA Giveaway so stay tuned for that!

Click here for the social media calendar

Gift of Hope

Is your family in need? Have you heard of our GIFT OF HOPE PROGRAM? If you are in financial need and are in need of nutritional supplements then please go to and fill out a scholarship application. If you qualify you will be given a scholarship for an entire year for 4 essential nutritional supplements that AHA will provide and send you every month.

We are introducing a NEW PROGRAM at AHA!! It’s called: Pamper Me Pantry                                                  A premium subscription box that provides high quality products ranging from a wide variety of items such as but not limited to: beauty products, GFCF snacks, supplements and the list goes on. The box is filled with full size products and a handful of gift samples. All proceeds raised will help families with Autism. We have a limited amount so don’t wait! First shipment to ship out in December!

$25 a quarter

$85 a year

Each box will value a min: $125!! Get yours today click here:

We at AHA are wishing you and your family a happy and healthy FALL season!

Warmest regards,

Kristin and the AHA family

AHA Partnership Exclusive Spotlight!


AHA Partner Coupons

Autism Approved

Autism Resource Booklet

Contact Us

Active Partners

Autism Approved Radio

Gift of Hope

Tax ID #26-4077150 501(c)(3)

Let’s Go Shopping DVD
Let’s Go Shopping:
Special Foods For Special Needs with Host Kristin Selby Gonzalez is a guide for parents on how to shop without frustration for their child’s special dietary needs.
Click here to watch


The post Autism Hope Alliance Newsletter October 2017 appeared first on Autism Hope Alliance.

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via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet
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