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Thursday, 17 November 2016

Working for a Purpose #autism #autismdiet


Autism, Hope, Biomedical, diet, Autism Hope alliance

Working for a Purpose

Getting to know the Founder of the Autism Hope Alliance:

An interview with Tom Bohager

Founder and Director, Autism Hope Alliance


AHA   You have recently resigned from Enzymedica and are now taking a more active role at the Autism Hope Alliance. What do you see for the future of AHA?

TB   Though I am very proud of the success of Enzymedica, I am so very excited about the future of the Autism Hope Alliance. The need for education, financial assistance and access to trusted quality nutritional products is at an all-time high among those in this community. I see our efforts helping thousands of families to find and have access to such resources. We have received a grant recently that allows us to increase our capacity for these goals without using donated funds and this makes the opportunity to help more families all the more exciting.


 “Those unaffected by Autism too need to be educated

                                        on what they can do to support those in need.” 


AHA   While at Enzymedica, you certainly have helped millions of people in regards to their overall health when it comes to digestion. What lessons will you take that you learned there, that you plan on utilizing at the Autism Hope Alliance?

TB   One thing I learned at Enzymedica is that education is the key to success. Though we hadabfe32ec57dbdeaa7e51b15543044895 very little in the way of a budget to market our products, Enzymedica became the best selling brand in its category. The reason for this was we focused on educating retailers and consumers about the benefits of high potency, high quality products. I believe, what the Autism community needs is access to trustworthy education. This will empower caregivers to make better choices.  There’s so much confusion about what alternatives are available to families with autism, and if we can be a provider of such resources, we will make a difference. In addition to distributing nearly 40,000 educational booklets since we began in 2009, we sponsored the Autism Hope Summit in early 2016. People in over 170 countries benefited from that effort and I look forward to even greater success with our second summit in 2017.  

Those unaffected by Autism too need to be educated on what they can do to support those in need. I have great confidence in people in general and when the right people understand that a relatively small effort or monetary contribution can do so much good for a family in need, people will step up.


Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.

and more children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with

AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined.   


AHA   You could have picked any cause in the world to help support, what lead you to Autism?

TB   My introduction to Autism came 13 years ago when we discovered that families of children with autism we’re using our products to help with severe digestive issues common among those diagnosed. Since then, I have seen such a dramatic increase in the prevalence of this issue that it is horrifies me. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S. and more children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined.  Honestly, these stats alone make the decision to support this cause easy for me. Adding to this is the fact that so few resources are available to assist. There are simple solutions available that can help reduce common symptoms and/or recover children. Yet so few have access to trustworthy, reliable information.

AHA   Do you have one story that stands out in regards to Autism that touched your heart?

TB   There are many stories that have touched me. But I think I need to go back to the first one. 13 years ago I was introduced to Karen DeFelice. She wrote a book called “Enzymes & Autism”. In that book she described the success that she achieved with easily accessible supplements and a restrictive diet. So moved by the progress her two sons made she decided to tour the country and tell as many parents as possible about what she had learned. When I met Karen I wanted to be apart of the education that she was providing and so began to sponsor all of her events to offset the costs she incurred in her endeavor. Watching the reactions of the families and hearing of their successes first hand inspired me on so many levels.


We provide guidance in identifying companies that caregivers

can trust while making these high quality products affordable

for those with a financial need.” 


AHA   With so many non-profits out there, how do you think AHA will stand out?

TB   I see us as a mediator between the Autism community and the Natural Foods Community. The Natural Foods Community is uniquely equipped to help families with a diagnosis, but need help communicating their message. The Autism Community needs to better understand the differences between all of the thousands of natural foods companies and identify the best among them. Navigating the millions of marketing messages and claims from the thousands of companies can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in. We provide guidance in identifying companies that caregivers can trust while making these high quality products affordable for those with a financial need. No one is attempting to do this and I am convinced we are the most qualified.

AHA   What is your reaction and feelings now that your family has also decided to join forces and help the mission at AHA?


TB   My goal has always been to steer my three sons in a direction that will provide a career with a high level of fulfillment and more importantly afford them the time and opportunity to also volunteer to help others less fortunate then our family. As you might imagine, I am incredibly happy to be able to do this with AHA.

AHA   For the families out there that feel lost at the moment, what words of encouragement can you give them?

TB   There is nothing more powerful than hope so never give it up. Nurture it, cultivate it and don’t let anyone tell you your naive for having it. Wear it like a badge of honor. And finally, it’s never too late to start your journey to recovery.

AHA   What are three things you would suggest a family do after they get the diagnosis?

TB   1)   Immediately remove gluten and casein from their child’s diet.

        2)   Read the resource booklet distributed by the Autism Hope Alliance called “Autism – What the Experts Know” and listen to the Autism Hope Summit. Then choose a course based on your personal intuition that will help your child.

       3)   Never lose sight of the need to replenish, refresh and rejuvenate yourself. Caregivers all too often burn out and lose hope. A way must be found through the assistance of family members, friends and volunteers to continually care for the caregiver.

AHA   What final message do you want to leave for families that have individuals with Autism?

TB    Surround yourselves with people who will be supportive and inspire hope. Avoid and remove any toxic influence and be open-minded.  Sometimes the best solutions come from the most unexpected places.


” It’s never too late to start your journey to recovery.”



This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We always recommend consulting with your doctor with any questions or beginning a new protocol.


The post Working for a Purpose appeared first on autismhopealliance.

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via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

How to Stay Inspired #autism #autismdiet

Autism, Hope, Biomedical, diet, Autism Hope alliance

How to Stay Inspired When You Feel Hopeless

An Interview with Tom Nix,

Author, Motivational Speaker, Inspirational Business Leader and Philanthropist

AHA   Many families today, especially those with children with Special Needs often feel defeated and have nothing left to give, as they are exhausted living day to day. What advice can you give to families that can help them stay motivated?

TN   It’s natural to feel depressed and sorry for yourself when you face difficult challenges in life but there is no benefit from this attitude. It’s okay to throw yourself a short pity party occasionally but set a deadline then get back to managing your mindset. Keeping a positive enthusiastic can-do attitude takes practice, discipline and commitment but can be done regardless of life’s challenges. You can manage your mind with affirmations, visualization, positive mental self talks, pictures and reading a list of everything you have to be happy about when you are down in the dumps. Your readers can get a free copy of what I call “Life’s Key Concepts” on my website listed below which will explain how to implement these concepts. I’ve used these change your mind change your life concepts for 40 years to overcome challenges and dramatically improve my life.

AHA   What gave you the strength to turn your life around and become the person you are today?

TN   I had a defining moment when a friend encouraged me to listen to a book on tape called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This book launched me on a crusade for about 10 years of listening to self-help books on tape and going to seminars trying to figure out how to be happy and successful. I realized I could be, do and have more than I’ve ever dreamed possible by implementing the concepts I’ve outlined on my paper Life’s Key Concepts.


AHA   Often families can fall into the “victim” role and it is easier to blame others or the world around them for all the problems they might be facing. How does someone get out of the “victim” mentality and become empowered again?

TN   Feeling like you’re a victim is debilitating, keeps you stuck in a bad place and prevents you from creating a better future for yourself and your family. Take the attitude that this is the hand I’ve been dealt and I am going to make the most of it. Never look at what you’ve lost, avoid running your misfortune over and over in your mind, stay calm and create a plan to move your life forward in a positive manner. Employ the serenity prayer “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”

AHA   Often as a parent it seems impossible to balance and juggle work, family and “me” time. What would you say to those parents?

TN   There’s a lot of information available regarding time management that is usually designed for business people but can be used in our personal lives as well. Pigeonholing is one of the techniques you can use to feel less overwhelmed. You focus your attention and thoughts on a few things and put everything else aside until later. It is important to have a follow-up note or other document to be sure nothing falls through the cracks then stick everything in a drawer so it is out of sight and out of mind. Review the contents of this drawer regularly and determine the next things you want to focus your attention on.

AHA   You have been married to the same amazing woman Pam for 46 years and went through ups and downs just like many of those out there. What is your secret to a happy marriage?

It takes a lot to maintain a happy marriage for decades and it starts with picking the right partner, trust and the commitment that no matter what it takes, we are going go work things out. This will help you get through really challenging times that are
inevitable in most marriages. We try to accept each other just the way we are and tomnixset realistic expectations. We talk issues out and sometimes negotiate a reasonable position that we can both accept which requires compromise. We learned to postpone emotional discussions until the next day, which is very hard to do, but letting things settle before addressing them is a huge benefit. We’ve had date night almost once a week for 46 years. We believe setting aside time to have fun together and intimacy is important for the relationship and the entire family. We look for ways to make the other person happy and look for the good in each other.


TN    Let’s shift gears a bit… You have been quite successful in the business world. What were some things you did to overcome fear of failure?

I overcame fear by defining why I was afraid and then putting it in perspective. Was it really that bad? Could I live with the consequences if my worst fear became reality? I would have positive self talks telling myself I can handle this and I can handle more. I would walk through my fears by doing the thing I was afraid of until it was comfortable. I would also use visualization techniques to see myself handling situations in a brave and appropriate way. I would act brave until I actually was brave.  However, sometimes fear is justified and represents a stop sign you should pay attention to. I tried to determine whether the fear I felt was in fact an   appropriate warning sign not to take a certain course of action.

TN    What are 3 things you would suggest to those reading that can help a parent take the first steps to happiness?

  • Learn ways to change your mind and consequently your life by reading Life’s Key Concepts and watching the film ”The Secret” at
  • Choose a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, eat right, maintain a healthy weight, moderate alcohol use and completely avoid cigarette smoking and hard drugs. Good health is the cornerstone of all good things in life and crucial to being the best you can be for your family.
  • Join a support group. Stay on the lookout for new and different ways to help your child experience the best life possible. Be sure to arrange personal time, which is important for you and your family. Count your blessings.

AHA   After all you have achieved, what do you think is your greatest achievement?

TN   Creating a happy healthy prosperous life in spite of the fact that I was very unhappy as a young man and encountered numerous serious challenges in my life’s journey.

AHA    Where can people find out more about you and continued to be inspired?

TN   People can get a free copy of Life’s Key Concepts on my website by clicking on the “about the book” tab and selecting the Life’s Key Concepts icon.

The post How to Stay Inspired appeared first on autismhopealliance.

from autismhopealliance
via Autism Hope Alliance #autism #autismdiet

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Let’s Talk Vegan #autism #autismdiet

   Let’s Talk Vegan 

               With Health Coach, Mike Menze        





I was a meat and dairy eater all my life, and after I married my wife and we had kids I developed an auto immune disease, Ulcerative Colitis just after my son was born. It was a bad case. If you  aren’t aware of what that is, it is a chronic disease of the large intestine, otherwise known as the colon. Numerous times my brother in law had mentioned to me to read The China Study, a book by T. Colin Campbell. It’s the most comprehensive study of Nutrition ever conducted. I didn’t read the book at first, and after getting diagnosed with UC, and living through the suffering I had everyday, I finally decided to pick up the book, cut animal protein out of my life, and give this new lifestyle a try.  I’ve never looked back.



I immediately stopped my 12-15 horse pills that I took everyday. After cutting animal protein out of my life I noticed within days a change in my bowels and symptoms. It was truly amazing. 



Being a vegan means you abstain from all use of animal products. A vegetarian is a person who  does not eat meat, but will still eat cheese, fish, and sometimes chicken. Yes, crazy I know.



I would recommend that you start to add more vegetables, fruits and starches into your diet. Immediately lessen your animal product intake. There are many substitutions to animal protein in the plant based world. Many of which are non-GMO, if not organic. We find these products  are helpful in the transition stage, and are quite tasty.



I tell them that all plants have protein, and then I’ll tell them that beans have more protein than beef, and broccoli is a great source of protein per serving. Every single fruit and vegetable have




Absolutely. You do not need to eat soy if you are a vegan, there are plenty of other forms of high protein to get by with. I want to point out first that I’m not a nutritionist or doctor, I am a lifestyle coach who does research and shares what I know. I also want to point something out about soy. Everything I say is easily attainable by punching in a few searches in google. Soy is considered a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the amino acids we have to get from food because they can’t be made by the body. Soy also gets confused by people because soy has estrogen in it. It is called a phytoestrogen, which hinder the body’s natural estrogen from attaching to cells. Phyto means “plant.” It does not do the same thing as the estrogen in animal protein. I believe that is why a lot of people turn away from it, where in reality they should be afraid of animal protein.


Yes, I love a stacked veggie taco or baked potato thats filled and topped with lots of raw  veggies, beans, plenty of nutritional yeast, and hot sauce! My wife makes an amazing veggie lasagna that I can almost eat to myself in one sitting. We make a family marinara sauce that my kids help with. Lately my wife and I have been working to reduce our oil intake, so veggie broth has been key in our experience.                                                                                                




I would say its best to talk to someone who is successfully living this lifestyle. I had my concerns  about malnutrition and lack of protein before I took my first step, but I took that step anyway. It has paid off 100 times over. My family could not be healthier and we are striving to create awareness. One last thing, any reason to go Vegan is the right


~ My name is Michael Anthony Menze. I am 39 years young and I have a beautiful wife named Heidi. Together we have two beautiful children, one boy and one girl. We are what you call a Vegan family. My wife has been a vegetarian her whole life, but the type of vegetarian who didn’t eat fish, or cheese, or eggs. She ate basically carbs, fruits and vegetables her whole life since birth. I went vegan almost 5  years ago. My children also maintain a healthy vegan lifestyle, one since birth, one since 5 years ago. Eating vegan is not only the healthiest for you, it keeps away the sickness, allergies, everyday ailments people get. It’s pure medicine that protects your immune system.

Prior to becoming vegan, at age 32, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, a common auto immune disease, that “had no cause, no cure,” per my doctor. My passion for plant based eating began the second I noticed a significant change in my daily trips to the bathroom. I eliminated most all animal products, I say most because back then I was just diving into this lifestyle, and I didn’t know the tremendous impact it has on our planet, and the helpless animals, but I would indulge and not care about a cupcake, or a piece of cake that contained eggs, or milk. For the past 2 years we have become more active in the animal rights foundations learning each day. That has driven our first passion, food choices, to open our eyes to what else it meant to be a “vegan.” And if I’m going to dedicate myself to supporting animal rights, then I think I shouldn’t be eating them. With the strong support and advocacy of my

wife we have researched into this completely, and it’s our life’s mission to share what we know, and help people understand the need for meat and dairy are what is really hurting us, our planet, and animals. My son was around six months old, and it was not the best time to become ill. My doctor at the time also diagnosed me with pneumonia at the same time, or as he said, a double whammy. By the time I met my G.I. doctor, I was really feeling bad. Lots of stomach issues and sleepless nights. My doctor told me that there is no cause and no cure for ulcerative colitis and that my condition was a precursor to cancer of the colon.  He prescribed 12 horse sized pills a day to keep the flare ups at bay, but he was clear to say, that this was just a patch, a bandaid of sorts. So I took the prescription and followed his orders.  By the way, he told me it would be a couple weeks before the meds kicked in. So, I didn’t change one thing in my diet, but took all  of those pills and the flare ups died out for the most part. When I would feel a flare up coming, I would take extra medication to help. All throughout the illness, my brother in law would whisper “read the China Study”, I would ignore his suggestions and go about with what I normally did, ate tons of animal product and took my pills.

Fast forward about three years and the brother in law, starts chirping away, china study, read the china study. He even walked me into the local library to check the book out. There wasn’t one available, so we put the order in and I got a copy a week or so later. I tried my best to get through the book, but could not do it before the book was due at the library. Strike one. My brother in law finally coughed up the cash and bought us a copy. As he had mentioned before, try to read the first thirty pages or so. I was hooked on the second attempt.  I remember, reading the book on my breaks and calling or texting my wife or brother in law regarding my reactions to the facts printed in that book. It was a game changing situation.


Follow Mike on Instagram @gocoachmike

Follow Mike on Facebook: Mike Menze

This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We always recommend consulting with your doctor with any questions or beginning a new protocol.

The post Let’s Talk Vegan appeared first on autismhopealliance.

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